Dear ACA Meetings,
We are writing with important updates regarding ACA’s next Quarterly Delegates
Meeting (QDM), which will be held December 7th, 9 am-1 pm eastern US time. If you do
not have a registered delegate representing you, please share this announcement with
your group.
Registration is now open. The deadline for registering, or updating an existing
registration, is Dec 2nd. If your group registered for the 2024 ABC (which was
held in May), it remains registered, and your delegate will receive emails with
meeting information.
This is an exciting opportunity for you to help shape the future of the ACA Fellowship.
The December 2024 delegates’ meeting will continue to be interactive.
While the agenda is being finalized, It is expected that there will be 3 topics for
delegates to discuss then take back to the back to their home groups for further
consideration. We will be utilizing breakout rooms during the QDM:
1. Sustainability subcommittee update: a discussion on what it means to be a
delegate driven conference and discuss findings from the August QDM, and
possible responses to those findings. These include ways to make the
Conference more delegate-driven; how to better inform delegates about
upcoming issues; and making delegate meetings less formal and more interactive."
2. Transfer of authority and responsibility to the conference: the policies and
procedures for conducting the Annual Business Conference (ABC) are currently
managed by the OPPM committee and the WSO Board of Trustees and are
included in the Operating Policy and Procedures Manual (OPPM). The topic to
be considered by the delegates and their groups is how the responsibility for the
policies and procedures for conducting delegate meetings will be transitioned
from the Board of Trustees to the Conference.
3. Fellowship review process: Review the fellowship group voting procedure for
submitting motion 2024-6 to the ACA Groups (Meetings, Intergroups, and
Regions) for process approval. The registered groups will be given at least 3
months to review, discuss, question, and vote on Motion 2024-6 for approval “To
change the functional name of the fellowship to Adult Children of Alcoholics and
Dysfunctional Families (ACAD); the top choice of the fellowship from the name study survey.
Once the agenda is finalized it will be posted on the conference webpage at
Conference page redesign: We heard delegates’ feedback at the August QDM. The
ABC committee and IT team have worked to redesign the conference page to be more
user friendly. You can go to to register and get info
about the upcoming QDM. We want to know what you think regarding the redesign.
You can send a message
Click Here with any feedback.
Delegate Engagement: From the August QDM it was clear that delegates want
connection and information. In response, the ABC committee has re-activated the
Delegate Engagement Subcommittee. Whether you are a new or seasoned delegate,
everyone is welcomed.
We meet the 2nd and 4rd Saturday of the month at 11:30 pm est.
Meeting ID: 875 8291 3615
Passcode: ABC2022
It’s okay to observe! ACA business meetings are open to all observers, even if they
are not serving as a delegate. To register as an observer, go to
Conference Facilitator: We are looking for conference facilitators for the December
and February QDMs. This is an opportunity to shape the future of delegate meetings.
See the attachment
for more information.
You can send a message to
Click Here
for more information.
The Quarterly Delegates Meeting is all-virtual, so attending represents no cost to your
group. By joining, your group will play an important role in charting ACA’s future, and it
will stay informed about exciting new developments in ACA world service. Please join
Together we can do...
in ACA service,
ABC Committee Co-coordinators